Product For Members

Humble Colossus

$0.00 CAD

Humble Colossus

Huge Construct, Lawful Neutral

CR9 (5,000 XP)

Standing watch over marketplaces and town squares, the Humble Colossus is a towering symbol of law and order. Crafted from polished stone and reinforced metal, these constructs exude quiet authority while ensuring fair trade and safety. Adorned with intricate etchings or crests, they serve as a deterrent to wrongdoers and as protectors of peaceful communities.

Found in thriving cities and ancient ruins alike, these colossi inspire trade and trust, drawing merchants and travelers to secure environments.

DMs looking to add a powerful yet peaceful presence to their world can look toward the Humble Colossus. An ideal addition to any campaign, helping to enforce laws, foster trade, and provide unique roleplay opportunities in various environments.

Download Contains:

  1. Humble Colossus sheet with:
    • Custom formatted statblock
    • Lore
    • Tactics and Description
  2. Bonus: Hi Res Humble Colossus art

For a limited time The Dungeon Report members can download the Humble Colossus for free. Offer expires March 7, 2025.