Free Creature: Canopy Fiend
Canopy Fiend
Small Fiend
CR1 (200 XP)
A malevolent, monkey-like demon that lurks in the treetops of shadowy forests. Blending perfectly with the foliage they move silently and strike without warning Canopy Fiends deadly predators.
Typically found in small groups, these demons are fiercely territorial and underhanded, often betraying their allies to get a greater share of the hunt.
Fill your next encounter with these treacherous creatures and watch the chaos ensue in their ambush. Bring danger and excitement to your adventure by adding the Canopy Fiend!
Download Contains:
- Canopy Fiend sheet with:
- Custom formatted statblock
- Lore
- Tactics and Description
- Bonus: High Res Canopy Fiend Art
- Bonus: VTT Token
The Canopy Fiend is free download for a limited time at The Dungeon Report.
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