Creature: Tomb Mimic
Tomb Mimic
Large Monstrosity (Shapechanger)
CR4 (1,100 XP)
Tomb Mimics are deadly shapechangers lurking in crypts and tombs, disguising themselves as sarcophagi and shrines. They wait motionless, blending perfectly with their surroundings until an unwary adventurer approaches. Once their prey within reach, the mimic strikes, swallowing victims whole and burying itself underground to digest them.
Tomb Mimics can be found guarding treasures of the dead, using remains of their victims as bait for unsuspecting thieves.
This a monster perfect for DMs who want to add a dangerous, deceptive guardian to their next haunting graveyard dungeon delve.
Download Contains:
- Tomb mimic sheet with:
- Custom formatted statblock
- Lore
- Tactics and Description
- Bonus: High Res Tomb Mimic Art
For a limited time The Dungeon Report members can download the Tomb Mimic for free. Offer expires December 27, 2024.